age calculator


1 min read

Here are the features I try to incorporate into the age calculator .what does age calculator ? Age calculator age calculator

  1. You can estimate the age of your child in terms of days
  2. age calculator online calculates age in seconds.
  3. age calculator calulates age in minutes.
  4. The 4 age calculator online calculates the age in months.
  5. age calculator online calculates in years, Text $(document).ready(function(){ $("#calculate").click(function(){ var mdate = $("#birth_date").val().toString(); var yearThen = parseInt(mdate.substring(0,4), 10); var monthThen = parseInt(mdate.substring(5,7), 10); var dayThen = parseInt(mdate.substring(8,10), 10);

    var today = new Date(); var birthday = new Date(yearThen, monthThen-1, dayThen);

    var differenceInMilisecond = today.valueOf() - birthday.valueOf();

    var year_age = Math.floor(differenceInMilisecond / 31536000000); var day_age = Math.floor((differenceInMilisecond % 31536000000) / 86400000);

    if ((today.getMonth() == birthday.getMonth()) && (today.getDate() == birthday.getDate())) {

       alert("Happy B'day!!!");


    var month_age = Math.floor(day_age/30);

    day_age = day_age % 30;

    if (isNaN(year_age) || isNaN(month_age) || isNaN(day_age)) {

       $("#exact_age").text("Invalid birthday - Please try again!");

    } else {

       $("#exact_age").html("You are<br/><span id=\"age\">" + year_age + " years " + month_age + " months " + day_age + " days</span> old");

    } }); });